
How to translate our website

Welcome to our online store!

To enhance your shopping experience, we recommend using Chrome's translation feature to view our website in your preferred language on your PC / mobile device.
Follow these simple steps:

Open Google Chrome App: Make sure you are using the Google Chrome app on your PC or mobile device.

1.Translate the Page Automatic Translation: If Chrome detects a language different from your default language, it will automatically offer to translate the page. Tap "Translate" in the pop-up that appears.
2.Manual Translation If the translation prompt does not appear, you can manually translate the page. Tap the three vertical dots (menu) in the top right corner of the screen, then select "Translate" and choose your preferred language.
3.Confirm Translation A toolbar will appear at the bottom of the page. Ensure that the correct language is selected and tap "Translate" if necessary.

Enjoy your shopping!

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How to translate